-Outdoor game features 10 v 10.
-Mini game & indoor game are 6 v 6.
-(Game ball is a size 1 soccer ball)
-Field size 70 x 50 yards/outdoors.
-Indoors is on a basketball court.
Uniforms are an athletic style dress,
like tennis, lacrosse, FH, or soccer/
volleyball styles (jersey, shorts, etc.).
There are NO numbers on ZBall uniforms.
Player positions are shown by symbols
on uniforms & colored wrist bands.
(Uniform styles can be adjusted by league).
-ZBall is a finesse game with a 3 foot
"safety zone" around each player.
-Players have a timed count for each
player possession and there also passing
requirements. Penalties result in a free start.
-Cards can be issued by the referees
for delays, hard fouls, conduct, etc.
Time varies by age with 6 to 12min qtrs.
A team scores in ZBall by making a successful
pass or throw to a teammate (goalie) in its
own score circle. A score is worth 1 point.